go build
格式:go build [-o output] [build flags] [packages]
常用参数(build flags):
在执行命令前切换目录-gcflags [[pattern=]arg list]
传递给 go tool 的编译参数-ldflags '[pattern=]arg list'
传递给 linker 的参数-tags tag,list
分隔的 tag,可用于条件编译
go run
格式:go run [build flags] [-exec xprog] package [arguments…]
编译并运行 package main,通常的用法为:
go run . # 当前目录为 package main 所在
go run somewhere/cmd
go work
格式:go work <command> [arguments]
可选的 command 有:
command | meaning |
edit | edit go.work from tools or scripts |
init | initialize workspace file |
sync | sync workspace build list to modules |
use | add modules to workspace file |
go get
格式:go get [-d] [-t] [-u] [build flags] [packages]
# Upgrade a specific module.
$ go get golang.org/x/net
# Upgrade modules that provide packages imported by packages in the main module.
$ go get -u ./...
# Upgrade or downgrade to a specific version of a module.
$ go get golang.org/x/text@v0.3.2
# Update to the commit on the module's master branch.
$ go get golang.org/x/text@master
# Remove a dependency on a module and downgrade modules that require it
# to versions that don't require it.
$ go get golang.org/x/text@none
# Upgrade the minimum required Go version for the main module.
$ go get go
# Upgrade the suggested Go toolchain, leaving the minimum Go version alone.
$ go get toolchain
# Upgrade to the latest patch release of the suggested Go toolchain.
$ go get toolchain@patch
go install
格式:go install [build flags] [packages]
# Install the latest version of a program,
# ignoring go.mod in the current directory (if any).
$ go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@latest
# Install a specific version of a program.
$ go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.6.4
# Install a program at the version selected by the module in the current directory.
$ go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls
# Install all programs in a directory.
$ go install ./cmd/...
go install
命令会构建并安装由命令行上指定路径的包。可执行文件(主包)会被安装到由 GOBIN 环境变量指定的目录中,如果 GOPATH 环境变量未设置,则默认为 $GOPATH/bin 或 $HOME/go/bin。
而对于 $GOROOT 中的可执行文件,其会被安装在 $GOROOT/bin 或 $GOTOOLDIR 中,而不是 $GOBIN 中。
非可执行包会被构建并缓存,但不会被安装。 比如执行:
go install fyne.io/fyne/v2@latest
go: downloading fyne.io/fyne/v2 v2.4.0
package fyne.io/fyne/v2 is not a main package
go get
不同,go install